Belen firma con un bacio la campagna di WeChat

PrintMilano, 4 Novembre 2013 – È Belen Rodriguez la prima testimonial per l’Italia scelta da WeChat, l’applicazione di comunicazione sociale per mobile che sta riscuotendo un clamoroso successo nel nostro Paese. Il fascino mozzafiato, la solarità e la contagiosa spontaneità della popolare showgirl, infatti, sono gli ingredienti che “infiammano” la nuova campagna televisiva della piattaforma social del momento.

Per la nuova testimonial di WeChat in Italia è stato già creato un account ufficiale (WeChat ID: BelenRodriguez_Real) che permetterà ai suoi numerosissimi fan di essere costantemente aggiornati sulle sue attività e sui suoi nuovi progetti.

La campagna pubblicitaria, in programmazione sulle maggiori reti televisive italiane con il compito di consolidare la popolarità di WeChat, cattura l’essenza e le numerose innovative funzionalità che fanno di WeChat la piattaforma più brillante e divertente per quanti vogliano stare in contatto con amici e parenti.

Belen Rodriguez è perfetta per impersonificare lo spirito giovane, fresco e frizzante di WeChat. L’avvenente showgirl, conduttrice e modella, infatti, non è solo una stella popolare tra i giovani, ma è anche una donna spigliata, spiritosa e dotata di una innata verve comunicativa.

Nella campagna, Belen Rodriguez provoca piccoli incidenti mentre è impegnata a scrivere e inviare messaggi di testo, per scoprire poi la facilità e la comodità della funzione Hold-To-Talk (Tieni premuto per parlare). Grazie a questa fantastica funzionalità, che le consente maggiore libertà nei movimenti, Belen si riappropria del proprio stile e della propria frizzante personalità, mandando un grosso bacio attraverso WeChat.

Parlando di WeChat, Belen Rodriguez ha dichiarato: “Da quando ho intrapreso la carriera di modella e ho iniziato a viaggiare, ho sempre amato restare in contatto con la mia famiglia, gli amici e i fan e mi considero una persona a cui piace esprimersi in modo diretto e personale. Adoro WeChat per condividere tutto ciò che mi succede con i miei cari che vivono lontano. Perciò sono entusiasta di essere la nuova ambasciatrice in Italia di WeChat”. 



Tencent was founded in 1998. It is based in Shenzhen (China) and has a current market value of over $ 100 billion.
It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004.
Tencentranks 3rd or 4th at a global level (after Google and Amazon and depending on Facebook and Whatsapp market trend).
It reported a growth of 60% in the last 6 months.
Tencent can be considered the first Chinese company to have internationalized its services and products according to a consistent, organic and successful strategic plan and to have gained substantial market penetration in foreign markets (e.g. in comparison with the PC maker Lenovo).
Besides gaming, content sites, software and browser, its key product is WECHAT

WeChat was launched in January 2011 in China and in 14 months (by March 2012) reached 100 million inland users.
In April 2012, the company decided to release WeChat abroad. Today WeChat has approximately 300 million users worldwide and in 2013 has reached position no. 1 as the most downloaded app on the Apple AppStore under the social networking category in more than 70 countries.
The internationalization of WeChat started from China to Hong Kong, Taiwan and South-East Asia, and went on as a spill-over effect in Central and South America, Africa (e.g. South Africa, Nigeria) and Europe.
WeChat was released in Italy in July 2013 with the TV advertisement campaign featuring as ambassador Lionel Messi. Since then Italy has become one of the most important markets in the world, above all for the voice messages feature, called “HOLD TO TALK” (Italy ranks among the top five active countries).
WeChat is not only based on functions and features, but also (and above all) on its product philosophy of allowing users full control over whom they want to connect with.
Since contacts have to be added one by one, WeChat is a very secure platform ensuring the highest level of privacy (e.g. it intentionally does not apply a flag when messages are read as it happens in Whatsapp, neither it shows when a user was online the last time).

WeChat is based on 3 main pillars:

COMMUNICATION: this feature is not only about text messaging. It includes two more functions, called HOLD TO TALK and STICKERS
– Hold to Talk allows users to record and send vocal messages. This allows sending longer messages (instead of only 5-7 words which are commonly sent through a text message) in the very same time used to write a text message (e.g. 10 seconds) while conveying tone, emotions, moods (“It is not what you say, but how you say it”).
– Stickers allow users to enrich their messages with emoticons and funny moving pictures, able to convey a level of communication which is basically impossible to replicate by text.

SOCIAL: this pillar is represented by the feature “Moments”. It allows posting contents (e.g. pictures, messages, comments, etc.) and sharing them exclusively with personal contacts. A content posted on Moments cannot be seen by a person who is not included in one’s personal contacts. For example, imaging person A is connected to both persons B and C, but B and C are not connected to each other. When person A posts a photo on Moments, both B and C can see and comment on the photo, but B and C would not be able to see each other’s comments.

LIFESTYLE: it is a new concept in the Italian market basically represented by the so called “Official Accounts”. Official Accounts are mini-apps integrated in WeChat created by companies and/or brands willing to share contents with users and customers (e.g. McDonalds, China Southern Airlines).
An Official Account allows users to be always up-to-date as regards news, special offers or information about their favorite brands and/or companies (e.g. get a coupon for McDonalds, find out the nearest shop, download the menu, buy an airline ticket, check-in and get a QR code as boarding pass)
To the other hand, Official Accounts allow companies and/or brands to get more visibility among users and customers thanks to the higher frequency of use of WeChat in comparison to their relevant Apps.

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